Introducing Sync Start

Learn to fix the 3 things that make music supervisors instantly reject your song when listening to submissions...


Visit the Sync Songwriter Blog for valuable insights and strategies to help you get your music into TV & film...

Visit the Sync Songwriter Blog

Let me teach you the biggest pet peeves we hear from Music Supervisors - and how to avoid them.

A lot of musicians think that if they just connect with the gatekeepers, all their problems will be solved. All they have to do is hear your music...

The thing is, 99% of them will fail because of the writing, the music production, or the vocals.

I created Sync Start to help you with these three key elements so when music supervisors do hear your music, you can become a contender.


You don't have to change the way you write. It's just a matter of figuring out what not to do and what to do so that they don't reject your song because of something simple that you left in or should have taken out.

I'll bring you massively successful sync songwriter to teach novel and simple songwriting techniques they use for chart topping hits and sync placements.


You do not have to be the greatest vocalist in the world to get sync placements. You simply have to learn how to communicate and emote your song in the right way.

You will be taught by a renowned vocal coach who has worked with top artists and actors. You’ll astound yourself with your singing in just weeks from now when you learn to do what all great vocalists do.

Music Production

I spent 20+ years being an award-winning music producer...

I'll show you how to produce music specifically for licensing by giving you instant access to my complete "Produce For Sync" course...

- whether you have a studio or simply want to better communicate with your recording engineer.