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Attention Indie Songwriters!

Connect to the right people in TV & Film

in less than 90 days

Without getting lost in the noise or moving to Hollywood



The Art of the Song Pitch

The Complete Step-by-Step Music Licensing Program That Connects You With The Right People In The Sync Industry

If you’re a songwriter looking to get massive exposure for your music, and ultimately quit your day job and make a living with your music all without a label deal or touring, then you already know that…. you need to connect with the right people in music licensing.

The fact that you're here right now means that you probably already KNOW that licensing is the easiest way to instantly get lots of new fans, make money with your music, explode your fanbase, and get noticed by the industry... all at the same time. The sync industry is globally worth over $350 million and growing.




Even if you're lucky enough to have airplay on streaming services, profitable tours, and a good social following... licensing your music can:


    Once you get even one sync in a high profile TV show, movie, or ad, viewers Shazam your music. This is how artists have hit the top of the charts with just a single sync placement. Suddenly you're on high rotation on radio, Spotify, Pandora... and then the labels come knocking. 

    When you start licensing your music, you can start thinking about quitting your day job and working on your music full-time. Having that extra time can 10X the number of songs you submit and your income grows from there.

    Gone are the days where you had to live in LA, New York, or Nashville. You can live in Alaska and get your music synced in Paris. This happens all the time!

    When you get your music placed in a show, movie, or ad, you get a lump of cash upfront called a "Sync Fee". As it airs over and over again, you get backend royalties which show up like clockwork from your PRO.

    The first sync is the hardest one. Once you get that first one though, the rest come easier and easier as you build your reputation in the industry. You don't call them... they start calling you!


But where do I start?!

You have worked to write the perfect songs, and spent a lot of money in studios or time in your home studio producing and recording them. Your family, friends and fans love them and now it's time to get your music in front of a bigger audience. So far so good!

The thing is, you can't just take off on tour because maybe you have a family, a job or you realize it just isn't sustainable. How do you even begin to get labels interested with music sales still dropping through the floor?

You finally decide to try and license your music to TV & film... GREAT IDEA! Instant money and massive exposure. You upload it to some big music libraries or pay to submit them to licensing sites. Maybe you even try cold emailing a few music supervisors... and... crickets.

So how do you connect with the right people in music licensing who can make it happen for you? They're swamped with emails from thousands of other musicians trying to get into their shows, movies, or ads. They almost always only take music from their trusted sources.

Without being personally introduced to the gatekeepers with a clear step-by-step roadmap, songwriters, composers, and producers just get lost in the noise. They don't realize it's about working smarter, not harder.

The whole thing is about connecting with the right people in music licensing. This is critical to finally make things happen for you.

Luckily for you, there are VERY FEW people out there doing it right.

Most likely your competitor's songs are sitting in big music libraries collecting dust or they're paying to have someone they don't know listen to them without a sync to show for it.


Even if you're late to the party, there is still time to turn things around (and get your music into TV & film).

That's where the Art of the Song Pitch comes in ...

So What Exactly is The Art of the Song Pitch?

I've taken everything I've learned over 15 years with countless sync placements in the top networks and movie studios and I've turned it into a well-proven, 5-step program. It not only teaches you everything you need to know to get your music into TV & film, but puts YOU and your music DIRECTLY in front of top music supervisors.

The end result is a fast track to the top of the music licensing industry that instantly connects you with the people who work on the biggest shows, movies, and ads. No more getting lost in the noise!


The Art of the Song Pitch

is the ONLY program of its kind that…



No more flying to sync conferences where you're just one of a thousand faces. Instead you'll meet music supervisors face-to-face LIVE online where they actually listen to your music for sync opportunities.



You don't just want one sync placement... you want to keep getting them over and over again! I've coached indie songwriters who make 6-figures a year from their music by continuously having their songs placed in new shows, movies, and ads.



You not only learn from my 15+ years of experience in the industry, you get insider tips and tricks from the same folks at the top you'll be pitching to. There is nothing more valuable than hearing it straight from the people who license music every day.



They say every song or piece of music is syncable. The truth is, the recording and production is an important part of your success. It’s not that you have to have the best sounding recording, but there are certain elements and approaches that work a lot better than others.

You'll learn the DOs and DON'Ts of producing or picking your existing songs for sync success.



My music supervisor friends send me briefs of sync opportunities which I then forward to you. If you see a brief out in the public, chances are it isn’t real or it has long past. Music supervisors only send briefs to their trusted sources. The ones you get from me are not only real and happening now, but all your music submissions will get heard!


Here's What's Included When You Join:

Module 1

Targeting Your Music

You need to send music supervisors what they are looking for and when they are looking for it. So many musicians fail by using a shotgun approach. By targeting your songs to particular sync opportunities you are helping the music supervisor do their job - which means your music ends up in their production. I show you the proven ways to target properly.

Module Highlights:

  • Discover which opportunities your particular music is going to work for
  • Learn how to find out what they need before they need it
  • Hit the bullseye with your song pitches
Module 2

Songs That Work In Sync

Once you know how to target your music, you need to know which songs work best in licensing. It can make the difference between your music being just used by a film student or a top network.

Module Highlights:

  • How to pick or write your music for TV & film (if you decide you want to write for sync)
  • The lyrics and music that work most often in sync
  • A special insider technique to write songs that will work for any licensing opportunity
Module 3

Produce Your Music Like a Pro

Your songs are written and now it's time to record them. Believe it or not, music production is the easiest thing to mess up in sync. It is the first thing a music supervisor hears when they hit play... Learn production tips & tricks so your song isn't rejected before it even has a chance.

Module Highlights:

  • How to get world-class recordings at home
  • Find out the critical things your music production has to have
  • Get my personal affordable gear recommendations for your home studio

Module 4

Vetting Your Song Pitch

After everything is recorded, learn how to hit the bullseye with your song pitches. You unfortunately are not always the best judge of which of your songs will work in sync. Companies use surveys and focus groups to figure out what they are best at... so should you.

Module Highlights:

  • Find out which songs of yours the viewing public (and music supervisors) will like best
  • Learn how to quickly assemble and survey your own custom listening group
  • Learn how to create the ultimate song pitch

Module 5

How To Connect With The Right People In Sync

You are finally ready to get your music out there! The biggest thing that separates music licensing successes from failures, is getting your music into the right hands. No matter how good your music is, it won't go anywhere if you can't get it heard by the people that matter.

Module Highlights:

  • Meet and pitch your music live online to my top music supervisor friends
  • Form your first relationships at the top of the sync industry
  • Get the perfect email pitch template to land syncs over and over again
Module 6

Know A Good Licensing Deal When You See One

When you land your first sync placement, you're going to be excited. That's great, but you don't want that to cloud your judgment when it comes to doing the deal. So before you pitch, you need to make sure you are getting paid what you deserve and aren't trapped in a deal 'in perpetuity'.

Module Highlights:

  • Understand how to negotiate your deal. Learn what's important and what's not.
  • Avoid your music being trapped in a deal without a way out.
  • Find out the differences in how songwriters vs composers get paid.


Mini Modules (7)

Cover Songs

We brought in a top music supervisor to talk about covers! What works and what doesn’t. Why they are good and what to watch out for if you decide to try and license one. 

Music in Ads

This mini module will explain how getting music into ads works. They sure pay a lot of money, but it is more complicated and even more competitive.


Module 8

Your New Career

How to put everything you have learned into action. There comes a time where you need to implement your knowledge and experience to move forward in the sync world and that time is now!

Module Highlights:

  • How to throw fuel on the fire and increase your reputation, your relationships in the licensing industry, and your sync placements.

After all the modules are complete....

Live Music Supervisor Pitch Sessions

This is where the magic starts. I introduce you to some of my top music supervisor friends. You will have 4 x face to face pitch sessions with 4 different gatekeepers who work on the top shows, movies and ads. Relationships mean everything in the sync industry and this is where they start.

In Addition...

  • Briefs (Sync Opportunities)

  • Inclusion to Boutique Library

  • Bi-weekly coaching calls with me to keep you on track

  • Private Facebook Group 

I didn't want to love and leave you with just the course modules, so every second week I do a live coaching call with the class where you can ask me any questions you have about the previous modules.

You are also included in our private Facebook group where you can meet other members of the class, and my team or I hop in and answer questions right in the group.


  • We get regular briefs from our connections in the sync world. We've spent years building these relationships and are on their go to list for sync opportunities so we want to pass these on to our students in The Art of the Song Pitch. And we never take a cut of your songs. 
  • We include you in our non-exclusive boutique music library so that when we receive sync opportunities from music supervisors, we pitch your music. We never take a cut of your songs. 
  • I hold your hand step-by-step through the modules with the coaching calls
  • Discover co-writers and make new friends in the private Facebook group.


(and the way around them...)

Myth 1


Sorry to say, this is not true in music licensing. There is the rare story of music being discovered, but that happens about as often as an eclipse. Music supervisors are human too and only have a certain amount of bandwidth every day. They just don't have time to go discover random new music and they can't possibly listen to all the tracks that get sent to them by publishers, labels, libraries, licensing agents... and you!

It's CRITICAL you be introduced to them by a trusted source. That way you get your foot in the door to start making sync placements happen consistently. 

Once they've heard and like your music, that is where the relationship comes in and can make things MUCH easier going forward. 

Myth 2


There are millions of songs out there vying for spots in TV & film. Does that mean your chances of getting a sync placement is 1 in MILLIONS?

That is a little like saying that your chances of going to the moon are 1 in 8 billion (the population of the earth)... BUT what are they if you've already been trained as an astronaut by NASA?

If you have the step-by-step process to get your music heard by the right people in music licensing and are being introduced DIRECTLY to them, then you're only competing against a tiny percentage of musicians who do the same thing.

Myth 3


You don't have to be a genius songwriter to license your music. With my FREE ‘Sync Songwriter Jump Start Program’ you have everything you need to be licensing your music in weeks… no matter how unready you think you are.

You get mentoring by top songwriters, vocalists, and (yours truly) an award winning music producer. My 101 targeted training will whip you into shape so fast you’ll have pro tracks ready for TV & film in no time.

Myth 4


Let me put this a different way... It's easy to forget that knowing how to play an instrument seems like magic to those who can't. They're thinking, "Wow! You must have some rare talent or it must have taken years to master." I'm sure it doesn't seem like such a big deal to you the musician.

It's exactly the same in sync. Once you know how to connect with the right people in music licensing and establish those relationships, you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner!

Myth 5


Did you know that meditation music gets licensed all the time?

There is a spot for almost every kind of music out there. If you are in a smaller niche, then you are actually a big fish in a smaller pond. This means still plenty of sync opportunities but with a lot less competition.

Just always remember, there are music supervisors looking for your songs or compositions no matter the style. They just haven't heard it yet!




Vikings, The Handmaid's Tale S1, New Eden, Condor, Mary Kills People, Diggstown, The Grizzlies, Seven In Heaven, etc...



Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, The Originals, Get Out, Legacies, Stargirl, etc



Spinning Out, Beauty & The Beast, Degrassi: Next Class, Private Eyes, Ten  Days In The Valley, Kiss & Cry, etc...



Lucifer, Another Life, Insatiable,  Z-The Beginning Of Everything, A Futile and Stupid Gesture, etc...



True Blood, House, Dexter, Six Feet Under, Weeds, The Man In The High Castle, Titans, etc.



Grace and Frankie, SEAL Team, El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, The Tick, Sneaky Pete, Better Call Saul, etc...


Let Me Connect You With Music Supervisors...

Choose Your Payment Option and Join Now:





Live music supervisor pitch sessions

Music supervisor contact guide

Our boutique library

Pitch to briefs

50% Off Recording Package

Live Q&A Masterclasses

Personal Song Review

Exclusive class "Your Music In Sync"

Save $385




PER MONTH (for 6 months)


Live music supervisor pitch sessions

Music Supervisor Contact Guide

Our boutique library

Pitch to briefs

50% Off Recording Package

Live Q&A Masterclasses

Personal Song Review






"Uhm... I'm an accountant..."


"When I signed up for The Art Of The Song Pitch, I had no idea that it was going to become what it did."


"Chris's course, is honestly a goldmine!"


"If I hadn't been thinking along the lines [of what you teach], I think I would have failed at this."


"That's why this course is so good... it gives you every detail."



Bonus #1

Music Supervisor Contact Guide

Our very own contact guide containing the information for most every music supervisor, licensing agent,...

Bonus #2

Signed To Our Boutique Library

While you are busy getting your songs into TV & film, we are also pitching you to our music supervisor friends behind the scenes. This is non-exclusive and we don't take any fees.

Bonus #3

50% OFF - Song Production

World-class engineers and players working with you on your music. Chris is an award-winning music producer and helms the production of you songs.

Bonus #4

Live Q&A Masterclasses 

You already have plenty of music supervisors in The Art Of The Song Pitch to talk to, so we want to give you everything else that goes together perfectly with that. Ask all your questions to an entertainment lawyer, sync agent, music editor, and even more music supervisors. 

Bonus #5

Song Pitch Masterclass

Just before your pitch sessions with the music supervisors, I will do a live call and tell you what works and what doesn’t when you are talking face to face with them. It will be fresh in your mind when the supervisors get to meet you and your music.

Bonus #6

Sync Start

If you are just starting out in sync licensing, I created a special package for you so you can confidently get your tracks sync ready in the course! You get:

  • All my studio tricks of 20+ years as an award winning music producer OR how to find the perfect producer - I show you how to find the perfect producer for your music within your budget, or if you record at home, how I produce world-class tracks in my home studio. You get to look over my shoulder while I record and mix tracks in several different genres. Follow what I do in the easy video tutorial and your recordings will wow the music supervisors when it comes time for the pitch sessions.
  • Singing class from a celebrity vocal coach - You do not have to be the greatest vocalist in the world to get sync placements. You simply have to learn how to communicate and emote your song in the right way. In this video tutorial with them, you’re going to learn some vocal tips and tricks from the lead vocal coach for American Idol and The Voice, and they’ve coached everyone from Janet Jackson, Avril Lavigne to Lady Gaga.
  • Songwriting tricks from a top sync songwriter - Find out how how this songwriter got over 700 sync placements. In this video tutorial they describe how they write and will give you inside tips on what works in sync licensing. They have gotten spots in: Grey’s Anatomy, The Walking Dead, How I Met Your Father, This Is Us, Riverdale, The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Smallville, Superstore, Lucifer, Younger, The Good Doctor, and many, many more.
Bonus #7

Track Stage

Automate your song pitches! If you’d rather not do all the legwork getting your music out to briefs and sync opportunities, there is an app that can do it for you. This amazing software was designed by an actual songwriter who is an alumni of The Art Of The Song Pitch! You get 3 months free. I release it to you right when it comes time to pitch your songs to our music supervisors.

Bonus #8

Personal Song Review

A music supervisor and I are going to be doing personal song reviews for every student in The Art of the Song Pitch so you know you are on track. I want you to get all the feedback you need to confidently pitch your music knowing you are hitting the bullseye.



Exclusive masterclass "Your Music In Sync". I'll talk about particular approaches to sync based on your genre in music.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Art Of The Song Pitch - $5,000 Value

  • Bonus 1 - $100 Value
  • Bonus 2 - $5,000 Value
  • Bonus 3 - $850 Value
  • Bonus 4 - $1200 Value
  • Bonus 5 - $500 Value
  • Bonus 6 - $100 Value
  • Bonus 7 - $200 Value
  • Bonus 8 - $500 Value

Total Value: $8,450

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $13,450


Take "The Art of the Song Pitch" Challenge

In "The Art of the Song Pitch" I am going to show you the same proven steps that I've taught countless other musicians who have successfully licensed their music.

Our community has lots of highly motivated and successful musicians in sync. When you join, you will be part of this special group.

The thing is, I don't want you to waste your time if you're unable to follow through with the program for any reason.

By the end of these 14 days, you'll have received the Introduction Module and Module 1 on Targeting Your Music.

This means that you will have a chance to learn how to target your music properly for sync opportunities BEFORE making a full commitment to take "The Art of the Song Pitch".

If you don't feel totally confident and motivated after you've learned the first step to hitting the bullseye in music licensing, simply reach out and we'll refund your money in full. No hard feelings, no questions asked.


Frequently Asked Questions

Questions our top students asked before enrolling in
The Art of ohe Song Pitch...

No I can't, because I don't know you well enough yet. What I CAN guarantee is that The Art Of the Song Pitch works. You've already seen that from my past students. If you follow my steps exactly and put in the work, there is no reason that you can't be another one of my big success stories.

I thought about maybe having a cheaper introduction course or maybe putting a book out, but I am a "go big or go home" kind of guy. I didn't just want to teach you some things and then leave you by the side of the road. I decided to go all in and make a course that gets REAL results for my students. I am sure you can tell from the ones you heard from already, they are happy I did! Don't forget that even if you get one average sync this year, you'll have paid for the course and more.

You can, but in the vast majority of cases you just end up being a needle in a haystack (or paid very little). I can't count how many students I've coached who came from libraries because their music just collected dust for years. Success in sync comes from being proactive, not just hoping someone will discover your songs. All you need to do is follow the right steps to get there.

In a nutshell... results. I have lots and lots of success stories from musicians who took The Art Of The Song Pitch. The biggest reason for this is I don't just love and leave you with some information. I put you in front of top music supervisors so you can take what you learned and put it into action! We also add your music to our non-exclusive music library. When we receive private sync opportunities from music supervisors, we do the work for you and send in your songs for the right briefs.

I am happy to give you my connections! It's a part of the course. That said, it's not really all about who you know. I show you the specific ways to get your music into the right hands even if you have no connections. But just to make it easier for you, I totally hook you up in the course with some top music supervisors and share with you their sync opportunities. I've got you covered!

You get lifetime access. You can go back and review The Art Of The Song Pitch whenever you want. 

Yes you can, just have a look at my ironclad money back guarantee above. Basically you have 14 days to dive into the first two modules of the course and if you're not feeling what you learned can massively change your music career, we will refund you straight away.

7 Ways to Know You’re Ready to Achieve Success in Sync

  1. You are just getting started in music licensing and want to do it right
  2. You've been struggling with licensing your music and you want to fix it once and for all
  3. You are someone who likes to work smarter, not harder, and not just wait to win the lottery
  4. You've already tried reaching out to music supervisors with no success or have had no luck with music libraries or pay-to-submit sites
  5. You realize you have to connect with the right people in music licensing to make it happen
  6. You are excited to meet music supervisors face to face and get your foot in the door at the very top
  7. You are ready to leapfrog over all the other musicians out there who aren't willing to take action

...I'm going to let you in on a little something

Even though music licensing is a MASSIVE and quickly growing industry... the vast majority of musicians completely fail in it.

A few of them get a HUGE piece of the pie, while most everyone else gets nothing.

The main reason for this, as you've likely seen by now, is the barriers to create and submit music are low, but the barriers to an ACTUAL SONG PLACEMENT are high.

As long as you can get your foot in the door in the industry and avoid the pitfalls that sink most would-be sync songwriters, the path is totally open to you to get your first song placement in TV & film.

This leads to instant massive exposure, a fantastic income to keep doing what you love to do, and it builds your reputation in the industry which leads to more and more sync placements for your music.

The key to all of this is being able to connect to the right people in TV & film!

This is something I've been helping indie musicians do successfully for over 15 years, and I'd LOVE to help you do this too.

Let Me Connect You With Music Supervisors...

Choose Your Payment Option and Join Now:





 Live music supervisor pitch sessions

Music supervisor contact guide

Our boutique library

Pitch to briefs

50% Off Recording Package

Live Q&A Masterclasses

Personal Song Review

Exclusive class "Your Music In Sync"

Save $385




PER MONTH (for 6 months)


 Live music supervisor pitch sessions

Music Supervisor Contact Guide

Our boutique library

Pitch to briefs

50% Off Recording Package

Live Q&A Masterclasses

Personal Song Review




Registration Closes In:











If you have any questions, contact us at





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